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Getting ready for Spring fertilizer

I've uploaded all of our fall 2015 soil tests and now I'm starting to put together the different batches that can be spread together if the recipes are similar enough. We are probably going to get 2 or 3 pull-type spreaders to cover the 130 acres that will be in production this year.

Spring is by far the hardest time as far as cash flow goes. Every farmer will tell you the same thing. Almost all of your variable expenses happen between May and June. Specifcally for hay producers, the expenses of making each cut (fuel, replacement cutter parts, grease, maintenance) get spread throughout the whole summer, but you're always playing catch up on the intial fertilizer bill until your fall cut comes in and you don't spread anything after your last cut....unless you need to lime :)

Also, I received a GoPro as a gift this winter so hopefully I can post some videos of our operation as the year progresses.

Stay warm my friends.

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